"13 Frightened Girls!" -1963.
Tagline: "The big fright! The eerie sight!" Pffttt......really? I don't think the person who made the poster saw any part of this turkey!
Okay, let's get this over with....wait...what's that smell? Do you smell that? What is that? Oh, damn it! I stepped in this movie! Oh, that sucks! Now I'm going to have to throw these shoes out because nothing could remove the stench of this God awful, boring, misleading, dull, trite, interminable, cloying, insipid, drudging, mundane, irksome, tedious and above all, spiritless abortion of a movie.
"How was it?", you ask? Absolutely nothing like the poster it advertises for, that's how. It was like William Castle just came unhinged one day and said "Hey! I know! Let's make a movie like 'Gidget',
only with spies and murders and teenage girls doing really, really stupid things!" At that point someone should have shot Mr. Castle
in the leg with a spear gun to stop him from carrying out his nefarious plan. But noooooo....instead this....this thing was released on to the innocent public. I have no proof that "13 Frightened Girls!" effectively ended Castle's film career. There is no information I can find to prove this theory, but Castle went from films that made money and lasted the test of time, like "13 Ghosts"
and "House On Haunted Hill" to this crap that tanked. I know if I was bankrolling Castle I wouldn't have okayed enough money for him to buy a burrito after this.
"Plot" (okay, we'll call it that): There is a school in the Alps (somewhere)
that teaches the daughters of powerful politicians from all over the world. Yes, of course, enemies and allies all send their offspring to the same school, since they all speak English. *sigh* Anyway, because all the powerful men of the world only have daughters there isn't a boys school that is equally stupid. And, naturally, as a reward for getting the best mark in Latin, the head mistress allows a 16-year-old girl
to drive a bus filled with the daughters of the world's most powerful men down a steep mountain road! Of course! How stupid of me! And, naturally, a hairy tarantula, which are of course bountiful in the ALPS!.....crawls across the windshield,
causing the illegal driver to veer wildly all over. Eventually, she (the main character, Candy) slams on the brakes facing a mountain wall without actually hitting the wall. This, naturally, causes the windshield to splinter (!), crushing the Alpine Tarantula and also brings up the movie's title.
Now, right here I should have realised what was happening and that I had been duped. This was not only not going to be scary, it was obviously going to be moronic. Anyway, the girls all go back to their respective embassies (which all just happen to be in London, because then they can all hang out together in their various embassies....like China
and Russia, because those countries got along so well with the U.S. in the 60's). Candy goes to the U.S. embassy, which is filled with spies and top secret crap, to visit her father.
For some reason it is necessary to make the audience feel even more uncomfortable, so Candy is shown to be madly in love with a 40 something year old spy named Wally.
I wouldn't even be slightly surprised to hear that Castle pitched a "Wally The Ugly Spy" movie to the executives at Columbia. Hopefully someone would have thrown a water glass at his head. But Wally has a girlfriend named "Soldier" (another spy...apparently no one could care less about politics in the embassies).
Wally used to entertain Candy with tales of his top secret adventures, because national security is merely a suggestion. That's okay, though, because Mike, the driver, has a setting on his radio that allows him to hear what is being said in the back behind the sound-proof glass.
That doesn't seem suspicious at all. Probably because Mike is a double agent known as "The Spider"! Ha! No "spoiler alert"! I did it on purpose! No one should have to see this movie. You'll thank me, one day. Anyway, long story short: Candy decides to become a spy and after visiting her friend
in the Chinese embassy (they're so nice!) she sneaks out and down a service elevator where she finds a dead guy in the meat cooler
with a U.S. embassy letter opener stuck in him. Naturally, being a 16-year-old girl, she calmly removes the letter opener and escapes with it, secretly giving it to Wally along with a letter made with cut-out letters and signed "Kitten".
Her father congratulates Wally on his use of the spy known as "Kitten" and Candy uses this as fuel to further her idiocy...I mean "spying". Candy/Kitten uses her friends as a means to enter each embassy, because all relatives of enemy countries are allowed free reign in the various embassies *sigh*. She finds out all kinds of crap and keeps reporting to Wally, who keeps using the information to thwart enemy activities. Wally doesn't know who Kitten is, but it gets out that the enemy operatives want him or her dead! Oh well! No big deal, in this movie. Tra la la la! Let's just go skipping along while people die around us! Blah, blah, blah and Candy gets found out by Wally.
Mike shows up bloody but still very much alive,
claiming Soldier has been taken by the Chinese. That part is true (even though he helped) and Candy sneaks off to turn herself over in exchange for Soldier's life.
Her Chinese friend throws down a doll from a window to tell her she will help her,
but changes her mind when Candy confesses she is the spy her Uncle (the ambassador) wants dead. Oh dear! My friend turned out to be using me to get information that could destroy my home country! How embarrassing! The oh-so-badly drawn Chinese tough guy
is about to throw Candy onto a meat hook (oh, please please please please!) when Wally somehow appears with a pistol and also somehow threatens three men at the same time.
These are the most cowardly spies ever! Wally gets Soldier and Candy out and returns to the U.S. Embassy. Mai Ling, the Chinese girl, gets slapped by her uncle ("High five!")
when he finds she has thrown the doll to Candy. It must have had something good in it. Candy goes back to school,
because whoever wrote this was running out of ideas. Mai Ling breaks into Candy's room
to get the doll back and a pitiful girl fight ensues, where the doll is broken and microfilm is found.
Candy takes the film and runs to the school's bus driver, looking to deliver the goods. But "The Spider" stabs the driver in the back,
which doesn't cause the young girl to scream or cry, of course. She tries to run but now the awkwardly out-of-date stereotypes from the Chinese embassy are trying to kill her. Oh dear! But, yay! Mai Ling has a change of heart and all the girls jump out of bed (still dressed in their school uniforms, of course) and confuse those silly Billies by pretending to be Candy and hiding in the basement with her!
Tee hee! What harmless fun! And only a few people had to die! Candy gets away and thinks she's safe when Mike picks her up in the Embassy-Approved car. He locks her in the back behind the not very sound-proof glass
and sets a time bomb inside the car. (I keep mine in the trunk.)
Upon Mike's escape, Wally plugs him and then rescues Candy.
We are treated to a thoroughly unrealistic and tremendously unsatisfying explosion. Oh God! Please let this be the end! Almost...almost....Wally and Candy's father come by the school to pick her up in a new non-exploded Embassy-Approved car driven by what we assume to be a non-double agent driver. Why? Well, it turns out that getting someone killed at your school is frowned upon and Candy and Mai Ling are being expelled.
(This, dear reader <no "s"> is as close to reality as we get). Chuckles ensue, however when Candy explains that there's an Embassy-Approved school in D.C.! Yuk, yuk, yuk! Please....God, Odin, Buddha or whoever....PLEASE let this be over! And it was! And I lived happily ever after, knowing I would never have to sit through this steaming pile of donkey manure ever again.
Things I learned from this movie: 1- William Castle is not to be trusted with my movie-going money.
My rating: On a scale of 1 to 10, it's a negative 9. I would rather sit in a chair made of used hypodermic needles and have a root canal THROUGH MY EYE SOCKET than sit through this again. To summarise, it wasn't very good.
Just so this wasn't a total waste of your time, I present "Guess That Mess" for your entertainment! Four pictures, but one is a cleverly disguised hoax! Get sniffing, detectives!
"Why Jaws?" you ask....well, Murray Hamilton, a very good character actor wasted in this movie, played the idiot doorknob Mayor Vaughn in "Jaws" and "Jaws 2" so I thought he deserved to be mentioned in a movie he was in that couldn't suck a tennis ball through twenty feet of garden hose.
It's over. Let us never speak of this again.

Sunday, 28 April 2013
Thursday, 25 April 2013
"Homicidal" -1961.
Tagline: SPECIAL "FRIGHT BREAK" There will be a special FRIGHT BREAK during the showing of "Homicidal." Can your heart stand the challenge when the clock starts the COUNTDOWN? Umm....yeah, probably.
Plot: Well, without giving away too much, it goes like this: A woman calling herself Miriam Webster
appears in a hotel and makes a strange offer to one of the bellhops.
All he has to do is marry her
and she'll give him $2,000. She informs him when and where and tells him the marriage will be annulled immediately after the wedding. He agrees and they drive to the home of the justice of the peace
to get hitched. Problem: she stabs the J.O.P. to death and flees the scene.
That would be a problem if her name really was Miriam Webster, but we find her name is actually Emily and she is a caretaker for a wheelchair-bound woman named Helga.
And guess who else is visiting Helga? Why, it's the real Miriam Webster! What a co-inky-dink!
And look how happy Emily is to see her! A teeny bit jealous, I think, because Emily seems to have a thing for Miriam's brother, Warren.
Not a terribly handsome man, but he was no better as a child.
What do I know? Maybe he's hot. Anyway, Helga seems to know Emily isn't quite right in the head and tries to get someones attention to let them know, but it's kinda hard when you're only means of communication is banging a doorknob on the arm of your wheelchair. Helga wins the prize for wrinkliest skin, by the way. (That's not a glove!)
Meanwhile, we find out Warren is about to inherit a very large fortune, since he is the only son to a man who thought it proper to whip Warren once in a while for no real reason, just to "toughen him up". Miriam loves her brother very much, and not just because he's about to have a bank statement that looks like a UPC code. We discover Emily arrived on the scene while Warren was in Denmark with Helga. Coincidentally, Helga had a convenient stroke about the same time that Emily appeared. Hmmmm... Enter Karl,
the pharmacist/soda jerk at the local drug store and boyfriend to The Real Miriam Webster ("Will the real Miriam Webster please stand up, please stand up"). Great! Now I'm going to have Eminem going through my head all day. I'll have to watch "The Screaming Skull" again so I can get "Oh Mickey you're so fine" to replace it. Where was I?...Oh yes, Karl has known Miriam and Warren his whole life and is concerned that Emily looks a lot like the sketch in the paper of a woman who killed a JOP. A valid concern, for the record. Emily feels the need to show the audience that she is, indeed, totally schizoid and trashes Miriam's flower store, ending with a rather dangerous looking destruction of Warren's photo he gave to Miriam. (Whoa! Ree-LAX!)
The police, meanwhile, have not been letting any grass grow under their feet and bring their witness, the bellhop, out to identify Miriam. Of course, she looks totally different, so s'all good. But Karl plays a hunch and shows the bellhop a photo of Emily. Yahtzee! Problem: now Emily has nothing to lose. Luckily, William Castle had the good sense to put in a "Fright Break" to stop the tension dead in it's tracks. *sigh*
Things I learned from this movie: 1- "Fright Break" is really annoying to people who aren't frightened and just want to watch the freakin' movie uninterrupted....not to mention it's so cheesy it should be on a Taco Bell menu,
2- see that paper with the bald guy in the center? That's apparently called "money"...I've never seen it because I'm divorced and have children...if you see one of these laying around feel free to mail it to me....just put my name on an envelope and address it "Canada"....I'm sure it will find it's way,
3- Ooh! Waffles! Go back!
4- at first I was sure the Star Trek guest appearances were carrying on when I saw the doctor (I thought he was the "bad doctor" from the episode "The Dagger Of The Mind")
but I was mistaken. The "bad doctor" was played by James Gregory of "Barney Miller" fame. The "good doctor" (he does stop Emily, eventually) was played by Alan Bunce
and I'll be jiggered if he doesn't sound and act like an identical twin to Mr. Gregory...he isn't, though....a twin, I mean...they aren't related at all, 5- just when I was sure all hope was lost of being able to tie this movie to Star Trek, a Hail Mary! Karl, the pharmacist, played by Glenn Corbett, also played Zephram Cochrane in the episode "Metamorphosis",
where he kept getting felt up by an intelligent energy cloud! Do you like fruit? How do you like them apples, baby?!, 6- surely there can't be another Star Trek thread, right? WRONG! Boom! Emily was played by Joan Marshall (even though she was billed as "Jean Arless" in this one) and played Areel Shaw (the prosecutor) in the Star Trek episode "Court Martial"!
BLAMMO!! Apples for everyone....my treat,
7- as usual in Hollywood, getting bashed in the head with a bottle knocks you out and gives you a bit of a headache....in real life: subdural hematoma,
concussion, stitches, moderate to severe blood loss....gosh! do you think Hollywood was lying to us?,
8- in 1961, you could have a little old man drive to wherever you were and sharpen a knife for you....how much?...two dollars....now two dollars won't even get you a local call at a payphone to call a knife sharpener...assuming you could find a payphone...or a knife sharpener,
9- that's Helga in her wheelchair...minus her head...wow! that old man is really good!...two bucks, eh?,
10- Isn't it strange how Emily and Warren are never seen talking to each other? Hmmmm....and Warren does seem to have some rather wide hips
....hmmm....OMG! Warren is Emily! Holy crap! I have to admit, I didn't figure it out until more than half way through.
Yes, it turns out "Warren" was born a girl but Warren's mother paid the Justice Of The Peace (the one that was murdered) to forge the birth certificate so her belligerent husband could shut up about having an heir. Helga knew and was paid to keep Warren looking and acting like a boy until he was old enough to inherit his father's fortune. Too bad he invented "Emily" while Warren and Helga were in Denmark. Who better to kill off the people who knew (or might know) and keep "him" from "his" inheritance? However, "Fright Break" or no "Fright Break", Warren forgot the one rule when carrying out the perfect murder: lock the door once your victim is inside. Oops! "It's not what it looks like!" Luckily for Miriam, the good doctor happened by.
And now it's time for a little game I call "Guess That Mess"! Same as before, you find the photo that doesn't belong. First prize is an all-expenses paid vacation to sunny North Korea! (As long as you pay for it all....send me some pictures, I would like to see Korea before it becomes a radioactive crater.) Here goes!
Ooh! It's going to be a tough one! Good luck! And hey, thank you, dear reader (no "s") because I have surpassed 600 views on this here blog thingy! Pretty good considering I estimated in the high teens. That includes countries like Germany, France, Russia, South Korea, Norway, Pakistan and China! So thank you, in all of your respective languages...because I'm just way too lazy to translate all that! Also, check out http://www.filmhill.com becuase they're sending people my way and I want to return the favour!
Coming soon: A considerably less interesting movie from William Castle. Stay tuned.
Tagline: SPECIAL "FRIGHT BREAK" There will be a special FRIGHT BREAK during the showing of "Homicidal." Can your heart stand the challenge when the clock starts the COUNTDOWN? Umm....yeah, probably.
Plot: Well, without giving away too much, it goes like this: A woman calling herself Miriam Webster
appears in a hotel and makes a strange offer to one of the bellhops.
All he has to do is marry her
and she'll give him $2,000. She informs him when and where and tells him the marriage will be annulled immediately after the wedding. He agrees and they drive to the home of the justice of the peace
to get hitched. Problem: she stabs the J.O.P. to death and flees the scene.
That would be a problem if her name really was Miriam Webster, but we find her name is actually Emily and she is a caretaker for a wheelchair-bound woman named Helga.
And guess who else is visiting Helga? Why, it's the real Miriam Webster! What a co-inky-dink!
And look how happy Emily is to see her! A teeny bit jealous, I think, because Emily seems to have a thing for Miriam's brother, Warren.
Not a terribly handsome man, but he was no better as a child.
What do I know? Maybe he's hot. Anyway, Helga seems to know Emily isn't quite right in the head and tries to get someones attention to let them know, but it's kinda hard when you're only means of communication is banging a doorknob on the arm of your wheelchair. Helga wins the prize for wrinkliest skin, by the way. (That's not a glove!)
Meanwhile, we find out Warren is about to inherit a very large fortune, since he is the only son to a man who thought it proper to whip Warren once in a while for no real reason, just to "toughen him up". Miriam loves her brother very much, and not just because he's about to have a bank statement that looks like a UPC code. We discover Emily arrived on the scene while Warren was in Denmark with Helga. Coincidentally, Helga had a convenient stroke about the same time that Emily appeared. Hmmmm... Enter Karl,
the pharmacist/soda jerk at the local drug store and boyfriend to The Real Miriam Webster ("Will the real Miriam Webster please stand up, please stand up"). Great! Now I'm going to have Eminem going through my head all day. I'll have to watch "The Screaming Skull" again so I can get "Oh Mickey you're so fine" to replace it. Where was I?...Oh yes, Karl has known Miriam and Warren his whole life and is concerned that Emily looks a lot like the sketch in the paper of a woman who killed a JOP. A valid concern, for the record. Emily feels the need to show the audience that she is, indeed, totally schizoid and trashes Miriam's flower store, ending with a rather dangerous looking destruction of Warren's photo he gave to Miriam. (Whoa! Ree-LAX!)
The police, meanwhile, have not been letting any grass grow under their feet and bring their witness, the bellhop, out to identify Miriam. Of course, she looks totally different, so s'all good. But Karl plays a hunch and shows the bellhop a photo of Emily. Yahtzee! Problem: now Emily has nothing to lose. Luckily, William Castle had the good sense to put in a "Fright Break" to stop the tension dead in it's tracks. *sigh*
Things I learned from this movie: 1- "Fright Break" is really annoying to people who aren't frightened and just want to watch the freakin' movie uninterrupted....not to mention it's so cheesy it should be on a Taco Bell menu,
2- see that paper with the bald guy in the center? That's apparently called "money"...I've never seen it because I'm divorced and have children...if you see one of these laying around feel free to mail it to me....just put my name on an envelope and address it "Canada"....I'm sure it will find it's way,
3- Ooh! Waffles! Go back!
4- at first I was sure the Star Trek guest appearances were carrying on when I saw the doctor (I thought he was the "bad doctor" from the episode "The Dagger Of The Mind")
but I was mistaken. The "bad doctor" was played by James Gregory of "Barney Miller" fame. The "good doctor" (he does stop Emily, eventually) was played by Alan Bunce
and I'll be jiggered if he doesn't sound and act like an identical twin to Mr. Gregory...he isn't, though....a twin, I mean...they aren't related at all, 5- just when I was sure all hope was lost of being able to tie this movie to Star Trek, a Hail Mary! Karl, the pharmacist, played by Glenn Corbett, also played Zephram Cochrane in the episode "Metamorphosis",
where he kept getting felt up by an intelligent energy cloud! Do you like fruit? How do you like them apples, baby?!, 6- surely there can't be another Star Trek thread, right? WRONG! Boom! Emily was played by Joan Marshall (even though she was billed as "Jean Arless" in this one) and played Areel Shaw (the prosecutor) in the Star Trek episode "Court Martial"!
BLAMMO!! Apples for everyone....my treat,
7- as usual in Hollywood, getting bashed in the head with a bottle knocks you out and gives you a bit of a headache....in real life: subdural hematoma,
concussion, stitches, moderate to severe blood loss....gosh! do you think Hollywood was lying to us?,
8- in 1961, you could have a little old man drive to wherever you were and sharpen a knife for you....how much?...two dollars....now two dollars won't even get you a local call at a payphone to call a knife sharpener...assuming you could find a payphone...or a knife sharpener,
9- that's Helga in her wheelchair...minus her head...wow! that old man is really good!...two bucks, eh?,
10- Isn't it strange how Emily and Warren are never seen talking to each other? Hmmmm....and Warren does seem to have some rather wide hips
....hmmm....OMG! Warren is Emily! Holy crap! I have to admit, I didn't figure it out until more than half way through.
Yes, it turns out "Warren" was born a girl but Warren's mother paid the Justice Of The Peace (the one that was murdered) to forge the birth certificate so her belligerent husband could shut up about having an heir. Helga knew and was paid to keep Warren looking and acting like a boy until he was old enough to inherit his father's fortune. Too bad he invented "Emily" while Warren and Helga were in Denmark. Who better to kill off the people who knew (or might know) and keep "him" from "his" inheritance? However, "Fright Break" or no "Fright Break", Warren forgot the one rule when carrying out the perfect murder: lock the door once your victim is inside. Oops! "It's not what it looks like!" Luckily for Miriam, the good doctor happened by.
And now it's time for a little game I call "Guess That Mess"! Same as before, you find the photo that doesn't belong. First prize is an all-expenses paid vacation to sunny North Korea! (As long as you pay for it all....send me some pictures, I would like to see Korea before it becomes a radioactive crater.) Here goes!
Ooh! It's going to be a tough one! Good luck! And hey, thank you, dear reader (no "s") because I have surpassed 600 views on this here blog thingy! Pretty good considering I estimated in the high teens. That includes countries like Germany, France, Russia, South Korea, Norway, Pakistan and China! So thank you, in all of your respective languages...because I'm just way too lazy to translate all that! Also, check out http://www.filmhill.com becuase they're sending people my way and I want to return the favour!
Coming soon: A considerably less interesting movie from William Castle. Stay tuned.
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